Pink Grapefruits
$24.20 inc. gst
Essential Oil 10ml
Effective in protecting the body from harm done by oxidants and toxins, including premature aging, degeneration of issues, macular degeneration, loss of vision and hearing, mental and physical sluggishness, nervous disorders and other related problems. Good disinfectant and antiseptic. Boost immune system, stimulates brain by making it active, stimulates endocrinal glands and promotes proper secretion of hormones and enzymes to keep your body’s metabolism in proper order. Uplifting and relaxing effect on mind, helps with depression and relieves stress. Decreases appetite and aid in weight management. Helps in removal of excess water and toxins from body. Good for treating oily skin and acne. Ensures healthy functioning of lymphatic system. Reduces blood pressure. Beneficial for treating stiffness and cramps in muscles.
Hazards: Skin sensitization if oxidized. Phototoxic (low risk)
Contraindications: If applied to the skin at over maximum use level, skin must not be exposed to sunlight or sunbed rays for 12 hours