Do you know just carrying  a couple of bottles of essential oils in your handbag can really help you on emergency situaOrange Essential Oiltions ?
For example,
* Travelling on a plane, or car and you are getting motion sickness? Put a drop of peppermint on a tissue paper and inhale
* Having delicous meal out, but you ate too much and starting to feel sick? The same! Inhale peppermint
* Having a picnic on the beach or in the park, and you scratched your knee or pricked your finger? Put a drop of Lavender or Tea Tree
* Out in the shopping centre and you want to sit down on a chair but it may be on a dirty side? A drop of Orange and quickly wipe
* Smell a funny odour inside the car?  Put a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil on a tissue paper and leave it
* You are having one of those days! Nothing seems go right and starting to feel upset? A drop of your favorite oil and slowly inhale
There are so many other examples, we can just keep going!
Why don’t you come up with your original first aid invention with Marvo&Co Essential Oil?

Our high quality organic essential oils are available for purchase online from
Australia www.marvoco.com
Japan www.marvoco.jp

From Marvo&Co staff