$120.00 inc. gst
Essential Oil 10ml
Highly effective as anti-inflammatory agents, has cooling effect and provide relief from all types of inflammation in brain, digestive, nervous, circulatory and excretory systems. Helps to protect internal wounds and ulcers from infections. Relaxes nerves, muscles, and blood vessels. Helps to strengthen gums on teeth, muscles, and tightening of the skin. Helps scars and spots to heal faster. Induces relaxation in the intestines and abdominal muscles, and prevents excess gases from forming. Promotes easy passage of urine and increases the frequency and quality of urination. Soothes the skin, relieving from inflammation and irritation and keeps your skin fresh and cool. Reduces blood pressure in patients suffering from hypertensions. Improves memory and stimulates powers of concentration. Sedates inflammation, anxiety, fear, stress and restlessness, and induces relaxation, calmness, concentration, inner vision and positive thoughts.