
As you may know Lavender is one of the most versatile essential oils and there are countless health benefits:

Calms nerves and tensions, helpful in treating migraines, headaches, depression and emotional stress and anxiety.  Relaxes and promote sleeps. Reduces the signs of scarring, restores skin complexion and reduces acne.  Slows aging with antioxidants. Relieves muscular aches, rheumatism, sprains, backache and lumbago.  Helpful in urinary disorders and restores hormonal balance.  Helpful in respiratory problems such as throat infections, flu, cough, cold, asthma, sinus congestion, bLavender Essential Oilronchitis, whooping cough and tonsillitis.  Improves blood circulation. Helpful in indigestion, stomach pain, colic, flatulence, vomiting and diarrhea.  Antibacterial and antiviral qualities supports the immune system and protects body from various diseases. Repels bugs like mosquitoes, midges and moths, and so on…

After all have been said, if you do not use a good quality Lavender, it may actually cause adverse effects and it could be harmful to your health.

Marvo&Co Lavender and other essential oils are certified by ACO (Australian Certified Organic), one of the most strict organic certification standard in the world.  You can be assured that you are getting the top grade essential oils.

Purchase online from www.marvoco.com

from Marvo&Co staff